

To keep breathing. To keep moving forward. Don’t pass out from the pain. Don’t go to sleep. Don’t go backwards. Keep fighting. Keep going forward.

I will do my utmost in each and every present moment to engage with the means that have been given to me — the means to be in community with others who are also on this journey of being human. We need each other. It’s how we’re built.

I will do my best to forgive and move on when others have shown themselves to be detrimental to this forward momentum. I will choose not to associate myself with the types of names and labels that these people may give me. Instead, I will believe what God says about me.

I am a blood-bought child of an inter-dimensional, transhuman King. My blood flows with the DNA of Heaven. I have eternity in my soul, healing up all the broken places, and forming me into the rock star I was born to become. With my feet on the rock, and my thoughts among the stars, I will choose to believe the best — even about myself. 

All of these renegade thoughts, I take them captive. I bring them into contact with the Christ in me (the hope of glory) and I rest in that place as He causes them to change. They change in ways that makes them able to obey. They come into obedience.

Terms like obedience conjure up images of austerity and dry, hollow conformity, but these concepts are echoes of something that was never meant to be. Righteousness is not an outward conformity, but an well-ordered explosion of vitality and restoration, welling up from within, bubbling upward and outward with joy unspeakable, to bring healing to the world. Obedience is merely alignment with the love that results in this righteousness. All other definitions will fade in time, as I learn to grow in safety and peace.

By Ben Wolf

It's a secret!

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