
A Short Word on Time

It is mid 2024. Back in the early 90s (or what I’m increasingly hearing referred to as “the late 1900s” — which I find very jarring) we all completely believed there would be something akin to Star Trek technology in everyday use by now.

Regardless, it’s been a long time since my last post.

I have been working on a book. I would be lying if I said that’s all I’ve been doing. There have also been serious levels of overall busyness going on, as well as your standard issue goofing off and cringing under the weight of the existential dread, but these things generally go without saying.

I am thankful to everyone who read along with me processing these hard-to-think-about things, over the past decade. I’m not going to hang it all up or anything like that, just wanted to explain why I’ve not been posting much here lately and say my thanks to you all.

Thank you for reading.